It's almost a week ago when I returned from a vacation in Bulgaria. Among the many destinations we have chosen Sunny Beach, one of the largest destination in Bulgaria. My journey began in Košice where we traveled 20 hours by bus, although I said about 2 times that I never go by bus again I found myself in it. The road was quite good when you strip away the border crossing where customs officers did not want to work, so we have to wait about 2 hours on each. But that feeling when I woke up one morning and saw the view is priceless.
Ubytovaná som bola v hoteli Sunny day, od ktorého som nemala ďaleko na pláž. Jediné čo ma zarazilo bolo pripojenie na wifi, ktoré bolo za poplatok a aj to nie vždy išlo.
I´ve been acomodate in hotel Sunny day which was not far from the beach. The only thing which struck me was the wifi connection which was in charge and even then it was not always good.
Hneď ako som sa ubytovala moje kroky viedli k moru. Pláž ma naozaj prekvapila, pretože bola široká a čistá. Slnečníky tu boli za dosť vysoký poplatok 10 leva(cca 5€) za jeden a tak isto aj lehátka. No ja som zvykla vziať si vlastnú osušku.Keď už som sa konečne zložila tak šúp do mora. Voda bola neskutočne teplá a čistá. No plávať sa nie vždy dalo najmä kvôli vlnám. V posledný deň dovolenky sa dokonca tak dvihli vlny, že bolo úplný zákaz kúpania.
As soon as I can my steps lead to the sea. Beach really surprised me because it was large and clean. Umbrellas were here for quite a high charge 10 leva(cca 5€) for one and also the chairs. Well, I used to take my own towel. Once I finally passed, I go right to the see. The water was incredibly warm and clean. But swimming is not always allowed mainly because of the waves. On the last day was the wawes so big that was a complete ban on swimming.
In the evening I used to go to the promenade that led along the beach, shopping and have dinner. I tried several restaurants but I liked the Coco Beach Bar most, which was great service and food too. For those who like adrenalin attractions, there are a lot of that here, whether during the day on beach or in the evening on the promenade. And since the entire beach has about seven kilometers you can hitch by bus to the end and go from there by walk. The buses are really cheap here so it comes out about 1 leva( cca 0,50€)
Ja síce nerada chodím na dovolenky cez cestovné agentúry no tento raz som to skúsila. Práve s cestovkou sme boli na výlet pirátskou lodou na ostrov Sv. Anastasie na ktorom bolo predtým väzenie pre homosexuálov a je tu úžasná zátoka s plážov tvorenou z mušlí, určite odporúčam bolo to naozaj krásne. Zo Slnečného pobrežia som sa tiež ľahko dostala do starobylého mestečka Nesebar, ktoré je tiež zaradené v UNESCO.
Although I do not like to go on holiday through a travel agency but this time I tried it. With a travel agency, we were on a trip on pirate ship to the island of Sv. Anastasia at which it was previously prison for homosexuals and there is an amazing bay with a beach made up of shells, definitely recommend it to you, it was really beautiful. Of Sunny Beach, I also easily get to the ancient town of Nessebar, which is also included in the list od UNESCO.
Na záver ešte také malé zhrnutie pre tých, ktorí sa sem chystajú:
- jedlo tu vychádza približne rovnako keď nie ešte lacnejšie
- je to najväčšie stredisko v Bulharsku a preto neodporúčam ľudom,ktorý majú radi pokoj
- nájdete tu bohatý nočný život
- skvelé aj pre rodiny s deťmi
- oporúčam spraviť si výlet do Nesebaru
Finally, even such a small summary for those who are going here:
- food that comes about as if not even cheaper
- it is the largest ski resort in Bulgaria and is therefore not recommended for people who like peace
- you have an excellent night life
- great for families with children
- I recommended to visit Nesebar
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