About us

We would like to welcome you to our blog. We are two sisters Mishelle and Doms. We both love to travel, but each one in a different way. One loves the culture, the atmosphere of towns and monuments. Others would prefer to live life at the sea and the beach discovering all the nooks and crannies. On this blog, we want to devote to writing on our roads and also offer you some tips and hacks. Despite we are different, there are two opinions about the places we visited. We will try to point to the impression that the country has given us.

Radi by sme vas privítali na našom blogu. Sme sestry Mishelle a Doms. Obidve milujeme cestovanie, no každá inak. Jedna miluje kultúru, atmosféru miest a pamiatky. Druhá by najradšej bola celý život pri mori a spoznávala všetky zákutia pláži. Na tomto blogu by sme sa chceli venovať písaniu o naších cestách a zároveň Vám ponúknuť nejaké tipy a naše názory.  Kedže sme iná, nájdete tu 2 rôzne názory na miesta ktoré sme navštívili. Budeme sa snažiť poukázať aj na celkový dojem ktorý v nás krajina zanechala.


A lover of photography, culture, traveling and delicious food. I like discovering the country soaking up the atmosphere and create a home there. I'm an artist and allowed to talk out of each trip (except those by the sea). I would like to bring my views to the place I had the opportunity to visit (all good and bad experiences). Why I love culture? Why I don't want to spend time by the sea? It also you can on this blog.

Som milovníčkou fotografie, kultúry, cestovania a chutného jedla. Rada objavujem krajiny, nasávam ich atmosféru a vytváram si tam domov. Som umelec a nechám sa nahovoriť na každú cestu (okrem tej k moru). Chcela by som vám svojimi názormi priblížiť miesta ktoré som mala možnosť navštíviť (s dobrými i zlými skúsenosťami). Prečo milujem kultúru? Prečo nerada trávim čas pri mori? Aj to sa dozviete v článkoch na tomto blogu.

I would like to tell something about me. I am study languages at university  which is also my hobby. And besides school, I have enough free time to travel. And if  I don ´t travel at the moment, I like to sew clothes, create something and of course writing a blog. In my articles I want to show you life in other countries and how is it to be there not just like a tourist. But I adore the beaches and beautiful places by the sea which you can enjoy in my articles (and occasionally wandered to the places that are full of history and charm).

Som milovník cestovania, módy a života. Rada vám priblížim moje zážitky z ciest a ukážem ako nebyť turistom v zahraničí. Rada sa kochám pamiatkami, no mojou srdcovkou sú pláže a celkovo miesta pri mori na ktoré sa môžete tešiť v mojich článkoch (ale občas sa zatúlam aj do miest ktoré dýchajú históriou a šarmom).

Our contact information:

Mail: voyagecompassmd@gmail.com
Instagram: voyagecompass
Pinterest: voyagecompass
TikTok: voyagecompass

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