Our next day in Milan was as busy with plans and unexpected moments as during the first days.
We started our day in Starbucks. You may now say that who would have coffee in Starbucks in Italy if there are cafes everywhere with great Italian coffee. But this Starbucks is not typical and that's why our steps led there. Starbucks Reserve is a place located in a beautiful historic building and you also have the opportunity to see how the coffee is roasted. If you have a moment, they will be happy to explain the whole process and tell you more about how the coffee you get in the cup is made.
Náš ďalší deň v Miláne bol rovnako nabitý udalosťami a nečakanými chvíľami ako počas prvých dní.
Náš deň sme začali v Starbuckse. Možno si teraz poviete, že kto by si dával v Taliansku kávu v Starbuckse, ak je všade plno kaviarní so skvelou Talianskou kávou. No tento Starbucks nie je typický a aj preto naše kroky viedli práve tam. Starbucks Rezerva je miesto, ktoré sa nachádza v krásnej historickej budove a taktiež tu máte možnosť vidieť, ako sa káva praží. Ak máte chvíľku času, tak vám radi vysvetlia celý proces a povedia viac o tom, ako vzniká káva, ktorú dostanete do šálky.
Then we go by metro towards Castello Sforzesco, which is beautiful not only for its architecture but also for the museums, grounds, and park it offers. After crossing the Castello Sforzesco atrium, we headed to the park just behind it. This park also hides a famous bridge, which many people compare to that from the film Alone at Home.
Potom sa odviezli smerom ku Castello Sforzesco, ktorý je krásny nie len architektúrou, ale aj múzeom, areálom a parkom, ktorý ponúka. Po tom, čo sme prešli átrium Castello Sforzesco zamierili sme do parku hneď za ním. Tento park ukrýva aj známy most, ktorý mnoho ľudí prirovnáva k tomu z filmu Sám Doma.
In this park, you can also see the locals who go to practice here and a few stalls with souvenirs or fast food. At the end of this park, you will also find the Arco della Place, where various artists are used to playing instruments or painting. Behind this arch, we boarded a historic tram, which we passed a few stops.
Tiež môžete v tomto parku vidieť domácich, ktorý tu chodia cvičiť a pár stánkov so suvenírmi či rýchlym občerstvením. Na konci tohto parku nájdete aj oblúk Arco della Place, kde zvyknú rôzny umelci hrať na nástrojoch či maľovať obrazy. Za týmto oblúkom sme nastúpili do historickej električky, ktorou sme prešli pár zastávok.
We get off near the part of Brera that is considered to be Milan's old town. From this neighborhood, I expected more pedestrian streets that would strengthen the atmosphere of the old town, as well as shops that would offer various trifles. Instead, there is a long street where you will find restaurants, and part of this street is formed by a pedestrian zone. If you pass it, you will reach the square at Garibaldi station. It was in this part that we enjoyed lunch, which was delicious again. We chose spaghetti carbonara and bolognese and paid about 20 €.
Vystúpili sme blízko časti Brera, tá sa považuje za Milánske staré mesto. Od tejto štvrti som čakala viac uličiek s pešou zónou, ktoré by posilnili atmosféru starého mesta a taktiež obchodíky, ktoré by ponúkali rôzne drobnosti. Namiesto toho sa tu nachádza dlhá ulica, kde nájdete reštaurácie a časť tejto ulice je tvorená aj pešou zónou. Ak ju prejdete dostanete sa až ku námestiu pri stanici Garibaldi. Práve v tejto časti sme si vychutnali obed, ktorý bol opäť vynikajúci. My sme si zvolili špagety carbonara a bolognese a zaplatili približne 20€.
After lunch, we headed to the Vintage shop and since we were close to our hotel, we decided to relax for a while in the room.
After a short break, we headed to Chinatown, which was about a 5-minute walk from our hotel. Did you know that there is such a district in Milan as well? I had no idea until we settled near her. According to the photos, there are also typical Chinese lanterns in this district, but we were not so lucky and at the moment this district was not decorated in any way.
Po obede sme zamierili ešte do Vintage shopu a keďže sme sa nachádzali blízko nášho hotela, rozhodli sme sa oddýchnuť si na chvíľku na izbe.
Po krátkom oddychu sme sa vybrali do Čínskej štvrte, ktorá bola asi 5minút chôdze od nášho hotela. Vedeli ste, že aj v Miláne sa nachádza takáto štvrť? Ja som to netušila, až kým sme sa blízko nej neubytovali. Podľa fotiek sa v tejto štvrti zvyknú nachádzať aj typické čínske lampióny, no my sme nemali takéto šťastie a momentálne táto štvrť nebola nijak vyzdobená.
From there we walked slowly back to Castello Sforzesco, where we were surprised by a big crowd. I'm glad we were here in the morning and could enjoy this place in peace. To our surprise, the crowd stretched from this Castello to the Duomo itself. It was unreal and we experienced a crowd in the square in front of the Duomo like I've never seen before. We, therefore, decided to take to the alleys and get rid of many people.
Odtiaľ sme sa pomaly prešli opäť ku Castello Sforzesco, kde nás prekvapil neskutočný dav ľudí. Som rada, že sme tu boli ráno a mohli si vychutnať toto miesto v kľude. Čo nás prekvapilo ešte viac, dav ľudí sa tiahol od tohto Castello až ku samotnému Duomo. Bolo to neskutočné a my sme na námestí pred Duomo zažili taký dav, aký som ešte nikdy nevidela. Rozhodli sme sa preto vybrať do uličiek a trošku sa zbaviť neskutočného množstva ľudí.
We returned here in the evening and there were fewer people here again. Therefore, if you want to see these sights, we do not recommend the time between 15-18 pm when it really was not possible to move here.
In the evening we enjoyed a panini in an inconspicuous business near the Duomo. These paninis were great, freshly prepared and despite the long wait, we would return here at any time.
The last day we walked around Milan in the morning, had breakfast at the Central Station Centrale, from where we boarded a bus to Bergamo Airport.
Večer sme sa sem vrátili a opäť tu bolo ľudí pomenej. Preto ak chcete vidieť tieto pamiatky, neodporúčame čas medzi 15-18:00 kedy sa tu naozaj nedalo pohnúť.
Ako večeru sme si vychutnali panini v nenápadnom podniku, ktorý bol neďaleko Duomo. Tieto panini boli skvelé, čerstvo pripravené a aj napriek dlhému čakaniu by sme sa sem kedykoľvek vrátili.
Posledný deň sme sa doobedu ešte poprechádzali po Miláne, dali si raňajky na hlavnej stanici Centrale, odkiaľ sme nastúpili na autobus smerom na letisko Bergamo.
You can find some interesting places in Milan HERE.
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