We bought tickets to Athens before the pandemic began. Until the last moment, we hoped that we would go, but a week before departure, our tickets were canceled. This time we gave Athens a chance again at the beginning of the year in February. Athens is a famous city all year round, but out of season there is a smaller number of tourists, you also get lower prices for admission.

Do Atén sme mali kúpené letenky ešte pred tým, než začala pandémia. Do poslednej chvíle sme dúfali, že pôjdeme, no týždeň pred odletom nám letenky zrušili. Tento krát sme dali Aténam znova šancu a to hneď začiatko roka vo Februári. Atény sú známym mestom po celý rok, no mimo sezóny tam okrem menšieho množstva turistov, získate tiež nižšie ceny za vstupy.

Archaeological Museum

This is where our steps led the first day. This museum is located in the newer part of Athens and was a surprise to us. Inside, it hides beautiful artifacts, various excavations, or very well-preserved things. We spent about an hour and a half here and the entrance fee was € 8 out of season.

Archeologické múzeum

Tu naše kroky viedli hneď prvý deň. Toto múzeum sa nachádza v novšej časti Atén a pre nás bolo prekvapením. Vnútri skrýva krásne artefakty, rôzne vykopávky, či veľmi zachovalé veci. Strávili sme tu približne hodinu a pol a vstupné stálo mimo sezóny 8€.

National Garden

We headed to this park from the museum and it was the place where we hide from the rain that started along the way. We had high hopes for this place that it should surprise or interest us, but the opposite happened. The park is entered near the Presidential Palace and is a place where you can enjoy beautiful trees, gazebos, a pond and also a few historic buildings. Out of season, it didn't look as beautiful here as when everything blooms, but I think you can find some nice spots here all year round.

Národné záhrady

Do tohto parku sme zamierili od múzea a bol naším útočiskom pred dažďom, ktorý sa po ceste spustil. Tomuto miestu sme nadávali veľké nádeje, že by nás malo čím prekvapiť, alebo zaujať, no stal sa opak. Do parku sa vstupuje neďaleko Prezidentského paláca a je miestom, kde si môžete vychutnať krásne stromy, altánky, jazierko a tiež o čosi ďalej aj pár historických budov. Mimo sezóny to tu nevyzeralo tak krásne, ako keď všetko kvitne, no myslím, že po celý rok sa tu dá nájsť pár pekných spotov.

Ancient Agora

I had no idea of this place when we went to Athens. This is probably because in Athens you will find outdoor museums at almost every step, which are made of a few columns, stones or other remains. This museum was different because of "Stoa", which you will find near the entrance. It is a renovated building that contains probably the most columns I have ever seen. In the Antic century there was a first shopping center. In this Stoa, you will also find a smaller museum with various useful things or busts. This museum is long and you can spend a few hours here if you are a lover of antiquity. Well, if you don't need to look at it in detail, on the other side of this place you will also find a very well-preserved tomb, which will attract you from afar.

Ancient Agora

O tomto mieste som ani netušila keď sme do Atén išli. Je to zrejme preto, že v Aténach nájdete skoro na každom kroku vonkajšie múzea, ktoré sú vytvorené z pár stĺpov, kameňov či iných zostatkov. Toto múzeum bolo iné vďaka "Stoa", ktorú nájdeš neďaleko vstupu. Je to zrekonštruovaná budova, ktorá obsahuje asi najviac stĺpov, ktoré som kedy videla. V Antických časoch slúžila ako prvé obchodné centrum. V tejto Stoa nájdeš aj menšie múzeum s rôznymi úžitkovými vecami, či bustami. Toto múzeum je tiahle a môžeš tu stráviť aj niekoľko hodín, ak si milovníkom Antiky. No ak si to nepotrebuješ pozrieť detailne, tak na druhej strane tohto miesta nájdeš aj veľmi zachovalú hrobku, ktorá ťa už zdiaľky upúta.

Pittaki street

I read a lot about this alley. We were unlucky and reworked some of it during February. Nevertheless, the end of the alley was very beautiful and also contained a nice idea. For me, this street was a small disappointment, but I believe that as soon as it is completed or during the high season, it may look completely different. There are also a few beautiful streets, houses, and interesting spots close to it.

O tejto uličke som toho prečítala veľa. My sme nemali šťastie a počas Februára časť z nej prerábali. No napriek tomu bol koniec uličky veľmi krásny a obsahoval aj peknú myšlienku. Pre mňa bola táto ulica menším sklamaním, ale verím, že hneď ako ju dokončia, alebo počas hlavnej sezóny môže vyzerať úplne inak. V jej blízkosti je tiež pár krásnych uličiek, domčekov či zaujímavých spotov.


Did you hear about the village right in Athens? Anafiotika is just this interesting village. There are older people who want silent all day, so we didn't have time to get through it. We went there on the way to the airport so we had a big suitcase with us, which caused quite a lot of noise, so we finally left after crossing 2 alleys. We definitely recommend going here during your stay in Athens if you want to find a piece of classical Greek architecture that you know from the islands. Keep quiet, enjoy the beauties of these alleys and enjoy it even more than we do. :)

Počul si o dedine priamo v Aténach? Anafiotika je práve touto zaujímavou dedinkou. Bývajú tu starší ľudia, ktorí si potrpia na ticho a preto sme si to tu poriadne nestihli prejsť. My sme sa sem vybrali s kufrom, ktorý spôsoboval dosť veľký hluk a tak sme nakoniec po prejdení 2 uličiek odišli. Určite sem odporúčame ísť ak chceš v Aténach nájsť kúsok klasickej gréckej architektúri, ktorú poznáš z ostrovov. Dodržuj ticho, kochaj sa krásov týchto uličiek a uži si to ešte viac ako my. :)

Flea Market

One of the gems of Monastiraki. Flea Market is a street full of antiques. From coins, through plates to large furniture. We turned here quite by accident, but it was worth it. If we were by car, we would definitely buy something. Unfortunately, the furniture didn't really fit on the plane: D.

Jeden zo skvostov Monastiraki. Flea Market je ulica plná starožistností. Od mincí, cez platne až po veľký nábytok. My sme sem odbočili celkom náhodne, ale stálo to za to. Ak by sme boli autom, určite by sme si niečo kúpili. No žiaľ nábytok sa nám do lietadla naozaj nevošiel :D.

For more inspiration from Athens check our YouTube video.

Pre viac inšpirácie z Atén si pozri naše video.

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