In April, you would probably expect go somewhere to be warmer, or even Nessebar is not a bad idea. We decided to go there because we find flight ticket for 10 € both ways.
We took off from Katowice with a ticket of 4 €. We have already were at this airport before, it's not long distance from our home. Airport in Katowice is really developing every year, adding new hotels, terminals and parking. If you are from Slovakia or Czech Republic, it is possible to park at this airport for 2 € per week.
V Apríli by ste zrejme čakali niečo kde bude teplejšie, no ani Nessebar nieje na zahodenie. My sme sa tam rozhodli ísť vďaka letenkám za 10€, ktoré sa nám podarilo nájsť.
Odlietali sme z Katowic s letenkou za 4€. Toto letisko sme už poznali, keďže ho nemáme veľmi ďaleko. Letisko v Katowiciach sa naozaj každým rokom rozvíja, pribudajú tu nové hotely, terminály a aj parkoviska. Ak ste zo Slovenska alebo Čiech, je možné pri tomto letisku parkovať už za 2€ týždenne.
Right after we took off, we had the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful views of the aircraft. Our flight lasted about an hour and 45 minutes. After landing at the airport in Burgas, we wanted to go to Nessebar by bus. There was a little bit of a problem here because they use the Cyrillic alphabet in Bulgaria and have not always been translated. After sending us from one bus stop to the other and the bus did not go, we decided to go to the taxi.
You should find more information about taxis abroad in advance. Ask for a price immediately and carry a map of where your hotel or apartment should be located.
We went by the Taxi, which cost about € 10 per person. It would be a good price if this didn't happen to us. The taxi driver took us about 10km behind Nessebar, even after my urging that the address should really be located directly in Nessebar. There was a problem in communication, and we ended up in a village that was empty.
Hneď po odlete sme mali možnosť kochať sa krásnymi pohľadmi z lietadla. Náš let trval približne hodinu a 45minút. Po pristáti na letisku v Burgase, sme chceli ísť na autobus do Nessebaru. Tu nastal trošku problém, keďže v Bulharsku používajú azbuku a nie vždy bola preložená. Po tom ako nás posielali z jednej zastávky na druhú a autobus nechodil, rozhodli sme sa ísť na taxíku.
Taxíky v zahraničí si vopred zistíte. Pýtajte sa na cenu a majte so sebou mapu kde sa má nachádzať váš hotel či apartmán.
My sme nasadli do Taxíku, ktorí stál približne 10€ na osobu. Bola by to dobrá cena, ak by sa nestalo to čo nám. Taxikár nás zaviezol asi 10km za Nessebar, aj po mojom naliehaní, že adresa by sa naozaj mala nachádzať priamo v Nessebare. Stala sa chyba v komunikácii a my sme skončili v dedinke, ktorá mimo sezóny bola úplne vyľudnená.
After an hour of trying to find the right address in this village, we realize that we are not seriously finding where we are. We decided to go to the main road where we found a bus stop. We waited 45 minutes for a bus and then paid about € 1 for a trip to Nessebar, the Old Town.
From there, we have already moved to our apartment. This apartment was about 10 minutes from the Old Town and was in an area where it must be busy during the summer. We had lucky that we were here in April, it was a really peaceful and quiet place. Near the apartment we had a restaurant where they made excellent meal and also a cocktail bar where they made great cocktails.
Lunch in Bulgaria will cost you at around € 10 for 2 nights. Lunch with main course, salad and water. The cocktail comes from about € 2 to € 4.
Po hodine skúšania nájsť správnu adresu v tejto dedinke, sme pochopili, že sa vážne nenachádzame na mieste kde sa nachádzať máme. Rozhodli sme sa zísť k hlavnej ceste, kde sme našli autobusovú zastávku. Na autobus sme tu čakali 45minút a následne zaplatili asi 1€ za cestu do Nessebaru, Starého mesta.
Odtiaľ sme sa už peši presunuli k nášmu apartmánu. Tento apartmán bol vzdialený asi 10minút od Starého mesta a bol v oblasti, kde počas leta musí byť rušno. Vďaka tomu, že sme sem zavítali v Apríli, bolo to naozaj kľudné a tiché miesto. Poblíž apartmánu sme mali reštauráciu, kde varili vynikajúco a taktiež koktejl bar, kde robili skvelé koktejli.
Obed v Bulharsku vás výjde približne na 10€ za 2osoby. Obed ktorý obsahuje, hlavné jedlo, šalát a vodu. Koktejl tu vychádza približne na 2€ až 4€.
Old Town of Nessebar
The old town of Nessebar is created of small churches, typical residential houses, and ruins or museums.
Staré mesto Nessebar
Staré mesto v Nessebare, skrýva množstvo malých kostolíkov, typických obytných domov a taktiež tu nájdete zrúcaniny alebo múzea.
Church of St. Sophia
Here you will find beautiful ruins of a church that are suitable for different photos. During the high season, you will not have the photo without tourists. The advantage of coming here in this season is the charm of seeing Nessebar without people.
Church of St. Sophia
Na tomto mieste nájdete krásne zrúcaniny kostola, ktoré sú vhodné na rôzne fotky. Počas hlavnej sezóny si tú fotku bez turistov nespravíte. Výhodou prísť sem mimo sezóny je práve aj čaro vidieť Nesebar bez ľudí.
Archaeological Museum
In this museum, you pay 7 euros for entrance, which is a very high price for Bulgaria. We came here mainly because of the cold weather. The inside of the museum was a bit disappointing because we were expecting more at that price. For lovers of history, we definitely recommend this museum. The most beautiful room of this museum is located in the underground, where it was not possible to take pictures. You will find various icons or iconostasis that offer an interesting view of the place.
Archeologické múzeum
V tomto múzeu si zaplatíte za vstup priblžne 7€ čo je na Bulharsko dosť vysoká cena. My sme sem vošli hlavne kvôli chladnému počasiu. Vnútro múzea nás trošku sklamalo, nakoľko sme za tú cenu čakali viac. Pre milovníkov histórie, toto múzum určite odporúčame. Najkrajšia miestnosť tohto múzea sa nachádza v podzemí, kde sa nesmelo fotiť. Nájdete tam rôzne ikony alebo ikonostas, ktoré ponúkajú zaujímavý pohľad na miesto.
Beach at Nessebar
You can find it by going around the old town walls on your left side or by going a little behind the Nessebar town. The road along the walls gives you a view of the port from one side to the old city on the other side. It's a nice walk, but it's important to note that there is a lot of breeze along the seashore, and in April we need to dress more.
Pláž pri Nessebare
Nájdete ju buď ak sa pri hradbách do starého mesta pustíte po ľavej strane, alebo ak sa prejdete trošku za Nessebar. Cesta popri hradbách vám poskytne z jednej strany pohľad na prístav, z druhej na staré mesto. Je to pekná prechádzka, no treba brať na vedomie, že popri mori dosť fúka a v apríli je potrebné sa viac obliecť.
New city
The new town of Nessebar does not differ from the smaller towns. It is a city that is developing. You will find many boutique, restaurants and in this spring season many shops that are just remake for the summer season.
On our way to the airport, we ordered a taxi before, as we needed to be at the airport the 4 a.m. morning. For this way we paid around € 30. The ticket to Bratislava cost us 6 €. After a smooth flight, we landed at the airport in Bratislava, from where we traveled by train.
Finally, I would say that Bulgarians do not get used to off-season tourists, but they do not have the problem to advise you. They usually try to ask where you are from and why you chose to see their city. They also try to speak at least a few words in your own language. Nessebar is a magical place, and if you go out of season, the homeowners are more grateful for each sell thing and for all the nice words.
Nové mesto
Nové mesto Nessebaru sa nelíši ničím od menších mestečiek. Je to mesto ktoré sa rozvíja. Nájdete tu mnohé reštaurácie, butiky a v tejto aprílovej sezóne mnohé obchodíky, ktoré práve prerábajú, aby to do letenej sezóny stihli.
Pri ceste na letisko sme si dopredu objednali taxík, keďže sme potrebovali byť o 4tej ráno na letisku. Tento taxík nás vyšiel približne 30€. Letenka do Bratislavy nás stála 6€. Po bezproblémovom lete sme pristáli na letisku v Bratislave, odkiaľ sme pocestovali domov vlakom.
Na záver by som povedala, že Bulhari niesú zvyknutí na turistov mimo sezóny, no nemajú problém vám poradiť. Zvyčajne sa snažia pýtať odkiaľ ste a prečo ste sa rozhodli navštíviť ich mesto. Taktiež sa snažia rozprávať aspoň pár slov vo vašom jazyku. Nessebar je čarovné miesto a ak sem pôjdete mimo sezóny, domáci sú o to vďačnejší za každú predanú vec a za všetky milé slová.
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