Dnes by sme vám chceli predstaviť jedno z najkrajších miest v Poľsku. Nachádza sa v južnej časti,
neďaleko od Slovenska preto sme sa rozhodli ísť autom. My sme v tomto meste strávili tri dni a vybrali sme si hotel neďaleko centra.
V Krakove vás okúzli historické centrum, ktoré nie je dlhé ale aj tak tu nájdete veľa krásnych pamiatok.
Today we would like to introduce one of the most beautiful cities in Poland. Located in the southern part of Poland and near by Slovak boarder so we decided to go there by car. We spent three days in these charming city so we chose a hotel near the historical center.
Krakow will enchant the historic center, which is not large but even so, you will find many beautiful sights here.
Kam sa oplatí ísť/ What you need see
Kráľovský zámok Wawel - je jedným z najkrajších pamiatok v Krakowe, je ľahko dostupný a nájdete tu krypty všetkých poľských panovníkov
Wawel Royal Castle - is one of the most beautiful sights of Krakow is easily accessible and there is a crypt of all Polish monarchs
Rynek Glowny - je hlavným historickým centrom mesta, je tu veľa kaviarničiek a reštaurácií a tiež mnoho pôvodných domov a zvonica, ktorá sa nachádza blízko tržnice
Rynek Glowny- the main historic city center, there are lots of cafes and restaurants as well as many of the original houses and bell tower, which is located near the market
Sukiennice- renesančná tržnica, svoje výrobky tu predávajú domáci predajcovia a kúpite tu suveníry ale tiež aj oblečenie
Sukiennice- Renaissance Market Place, its products are sold to domestic dealers and buy souvenirs here but also clothes
Barbakan - pôvodná mestská brána s časťou mestských hradieb, ktorá slúžila na vstup do mesta
Barbican - the original town gate with a part of the city walls, which served the entrance to the city
Továreň Oskara Schindlera- známa továreň podľa ktorej natáčali film, ktorý bol ocenený Oscarom a dnes sa tu nachádza múzeum so židovskou tématikou
Factory Oskar Schindler- known factory under which made a film that was nominated for an Oscar awards and today there is a museum with Jewish themes
Osvienčim - jeden z najkrutejších koncentračných táborov do ktorého sa oplatí ísť, ale je to veľmi emotívna prehliadka
Oswiecim - One of the cruelest concentration camps to which it wiorth to go, but it's a very emotional tour
Wieliczka - salt mine, which is now used as a cave and on examination you can see different salt carved objects and most beautiful part of is salt cathedral, designed by the miners during excavation works
Kam na nákupy/ Where to go shopping
Factory Krakow - on the end of town is the shopping center, where you can find different brands at outlet prices
Galeria Krakowska - prechádzkou po historickom centre sa dostanete k veľkému nákupnému centru, kde sa nachádzajú rôzne známe značky
Galeria Krakowska - walk around the historic center will take you to a large shopping center, where there are various famous brands
I've never been to Krakow! I hope to visit this beautiful Polish city soon!
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