Palermo out of the season

Palermo was our first option to get to know Sicily. We flew here in the spring and enjoyed it to the fullest. When we chose this city, we had no idea what to expect from it. Whether we will be able to spend 5 days there and not even whether it will be worth it. Palermo is a city where different cultures come together and it's up to you how you decide to accept it.

Palermo bola naša prvá možnosť, ako spoznať Sicíliu. Leteli sme sem v jari a užili si ho naplno. Keď sme si toto mesto vybrali, netušili sme čo od neho čakať, či tam budeme mať ako stráviť 5 dní a ani to, či to bude stáť za to. Palermo je totiž mesto, kde sa spájajú rôzne kultúry a je na vás, ako sa to rozhodnete prijať. 

What to do in Palermo?

A city that hides not only a lot of churches and architecture, but also parks and places to relax. We had the opportunity to stay near the Teatro Massimo, so we were right in the center. We had no idea that we would be only a few steps away from this main street. Our street was full of restaurants and came alive during the afternoon. So what to do in Palermo besides walking around the city center?

Visit the churches - there are many and we've gone through some that may not be popular. We found churches that looked tiny from the outside and took our breath away inside, or ones that looked like they see tourists there maybe once a week. From the churches, we recommend: Chiesa di Santa Caterina with a view and the monastery (try the fresh desserts baked by the nuns here), Palermo Cathedral, Cappella di San Giuseppe Dei Falegnami and one small hidden church Church of Santa Ninfa del Crociferi

Čo robiť v Palerme?

Mesto ktoré ukrýva nie len množstvo kostolov a architekúry, ale aj parky, či miesta na oddych. My sme mali možnosť ubytovať sa blízko Teatro Massimo a teda sme boli priamo v centre. Ani sme netušili, že od tejto hlavnej ulice, nás bude deliť len pár krokov. Naša ulička bola plná reštaurácií a počas poobedia doslova ožívala. Tak teda čo robiť v Palerme okrem prechádzky centrom mesta?

Navštívte kostoly - je ich tu mnoho a my sme prešli aj také, ktoré možno nepatria k tým populárnym. Našli sme kostoly, ktoré zvonku vyzerali maličké a vnútri nám vyrazili dych, či také, ktoré vyzerali že tam turistov vidia možno raz za týždeň. Z kostolov odporúčame: Chiesa di Santa Caterina s výhľadom aj kláštorom (ochutnajte tu aj čerstvé dezerty, ktoré pečú mníšky), Palermskú katedrálu, Cappella di San Giuseppe Dei Falegnami a jeden malý skrytý kostolík Church of Santa Ninfa del Crociferi

A walk in the Villa Giulia Park next to the Botanical Garden. We originally wanted to visit that one as well, but after reading the reviews, we decided to skip it and spend the entrance money on other monuments.

Prejdite sa po parku Villa Giulia vedľa Botanickej záhrady. My sme pôvodne chceli navštíviť aj tú, no po prečítaní recenzií sme sa rozhodli ju vynechať a peniaze na vstup minúť na iné pamiatky.

Taste Palermo - the most famous here are the arancini, which look like fried balls. Inside filled with rice and whatever you choose. We tasted cheese, ham, but also vegetable, for example with eggplant. In 2022, these arancini cost an average of €2.5 wherever we went. In addition to them, it is worth trying Cannoli, which you can choose according to your taste, we tried these cannoli in the above-mentioned bakery of the nuns.

Palermo is also very famous for its fast food, so the various fast foods you can find here are often worth it. But if you're not a fan of fast food, you can certainly enjoy pasta here in various ways, or pizza, as everywhere in Italy. Alternatively, for a bit of a change, you can choose fish dishes, since we are located near the sea, they are really fresh-

Like true Italians, you can complement these dishes with wine or the famous aperol and enjoy lunch or dinner to the fullest. And when you're already tasting and find some time, don't forget the Italian gelato.

Ochutnajte Palermo - najznámejšie sú tu arancini, ktoré vyzerajú ako vyprážané guličky. Vnútri naplnené ryžou a tým, čo si vyberiete. My sme ochutnali syrové, šunkové ale tiež zeleninové napríklad s baklažánom. V roku 2022 tieto arancini stáli v priemere 2,5€ kdekoľvek sme zašli. Okrem nich sa oplatí vyskúšať Cannoli, ktoré si môžete vyskladať podľa svojej chuti, my sme tieto cannoli vyskúšali práve vo vyššie spomínanej pekárni mníšok. 

Palermo je tiež veľmi známe svojim fast foodom a teda rôzne rýchle jedlá, ktoré tu nájdete stoja často za to. Ak ale nie ste milovník fast foodu, určite ako všade v taliansku si tu môžete vychutnať cestoviny na rôzne spôsoby, alebo pizzu. Prípadne pre trošku zmeny si môžete vybrať jedla z rýb, keďže sa nachádzame blízko mora, ich čerstvosť je značná.

Ako praví taliani tieto jedlá môžete zapíjať vínom, alebo slávnym aperolom a užiť si obed či večeru naplno. A keď už ochutnávate a nájdete si chvíľku času, tak nezabudnite ani na Talianske gelato.

Why visit in the off season?

In May, Palermo was around 20-25 degrees during the day, which was fine for us to explore the city. Besides, there weren't many tourists here at this time (Saturday is an exception) and we had some sights literally to ourselves. At this time, various light festivals and marathons were also held here, and we saw this city in a different atmosphere in 5 days. I also see it as an advantage that the entrance fee to some monuments is cheaper in the off-season.

Prečo ho navštíviť mimo sezóny?

V Máji bolo v Palerme okolo 20-25 stupňov počas dňa, čo nám vyhovovalo na objavovanie mesta. Okrem toho, tu v tomto čase nebolo množstvo turistov (sobota je výnimkou) a my sme mali niektoré pamiatky doslova pre seba. V tomto čase sa tu konali aj rôzne festivaly svetiel, či maratón a videli sme za 5 dní toto mesto v rozličnej atmosfére. Ako výhodu tiež vnímam, že mimo sezóny je lacnejšie vstupné v niektorých pamiatkach.

Where to take a trip?

Our only trip during these 5 days was Cefalu. A town that lives in Italian style and air. In this city, we felt like it was the summer season, because the city was literally alive with tourism even during May. I can't imagine what we would experience here during the summer time. :D

Kam si spraviť výlet?

Našim jediným výletom počas týchto 5. dní bolo Cefalu. Mestečko, ktoré žije talianskym štýlom i vzduchom. V tomto meste sme mali pocit, akoby bola letná sezóna, pretože mesto doslova žilo turistikou aj počas mája. Nedokážem si predstaviť, čo by sme tu zažili počas leta. :D 

You may know Cefalu because of the photos from the beach, but apart from that, it has a nice smaller center and very nice views of the sea. We decided to visit the main church not only inside, but to explore it a bit more. We got to the view, to the hidden parts near the roof and admired Cefalu from this perspective as well. Then we walked through the streets of the city, stopped for Italian pasta and rested on the beach. 

On the way to the train, we went to a place that is easy to miss, but has an interesting history. It is a laundry "Lavatoio Medievale Fiume Cefalino", which was created in the Middle Ages and, in addition to washing, people also went here to cool off on hot days. In some "tubs" the water is ice cold, in others it maintains a higher temperature. It is caused by the Cefalino River, which is the main source of water for this laundry, and even though it doesn't say much on the place, we looked for these curiosities on the web.

Cefalu možno poznáte kvôli fotkám z pláže, ale okrem toho ukrýva milé menšie centrum a veľmi pekné výhľady na more. My sme sa rozhodli navštíviť hlavný kostol nie len vnútri, ale preskúmať ho o čosi viac. Dostali sme sa na výhľad, do skrytých častí pri streche a poobdivovali Cefalu aj z tejto perspektívy. Potom sme sa prechádzali uličkami mesta, zastavili sa na talianske cestoviny a oddychli na pláži. 

Po ceste na vlak sme zašli na miesto, ktoré ľahko obídete, no má zaujímavú históriu. Je to práčovňa " Lavatoio Medievale Fiume Cefalino", ktorá bola vytvorená v stredoveku a okrem prania sa tu chodili ľudia aj ochladzovať počas horúcich dní. V niektorých "vaničkách" je voda ľadová, v iných si udržuje vyšiu teplotu. Spôsobuje to rieka Cefalino, ktorá je hlavným zdrojom vody pre túto práčovňu a aj keď na mieste toho veľa nepíše, my sme si tieto zaujimavosti vyhľadali.

Sicily was unique for us and Palermo and Cefalu were a great experience. Maybe that's why we decided to return to this island in the summer and enjoy it in full sunlight. But you will find out about where we are headed in the summer soon.

Sicília si nás doslova získala a Palermo a Cefalu boli veľkým zážitkom. Možno aj preto sme sa v lete rozhodli na tento ostrov vrátiť a užiť si ho v plných slnečných lúčoch. Ale o tom, kam sme zamierili v lete sa dozviete už čoskoro.

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