Romanian roadtrip in four days

Romania has always been a country before which I have had some worries. The main reason was the prejudices I was constantly hearing about this country. Still, I decided to go there for 4-day trip. We started our journey in Košice from where we went to Deva. We were quite afraid of how much time we would spend at the borders, but it was very fast and we didn't even know when and we were in Romania. On the way we stopped just outside the border in Oradea.

Rumunsko bolo vždy krajinou pred ktorou som mala určité obavy. Hlavným dôvodom boli predsudky, ktoré som voči tejto krajine počúvala neustále. No aj napriek tomu som sa odhodlala a vydali sme sa sem na 4- dňový výlet. Cestu sme začali v Košiciach odkiaľ sme išli do Devy. Dosť sme sa báli koľko času strávime na hraniciach, ale bolo to veľmi rýchle a ani sme nevedeli kedy a už sme boli v Rumunsku. Hneď po prekročení hraníc sme ale zistili že šoférovanie tu bude veľmi obtiažne. Nikto tu nedodržuje ani značky ani rýchlosť a ešte aj nebezpečne predbiehaju ako je zvykom v prímorských krajinách. Po ceste sme sa zastavili hneď za hranicou v meste Oradea. 

Our plan was just to have lunch, but as we walked through the city it completely takes us. It was very European, but we still found typical decorated houses and beautiful alleys. Unfortunately, we didn't have a lot of time to walk around this amazing city and we had to go further to Deva. By car, it was quite a difficult road full of serpentine but we safely came to our accommodation. The pension was led by an elderly man and although he did not know English his efforts and hospitality completely compensated everything.

Náš plán bol iba si odskočiť na obed, no ako sme tak prechádzali cez mesto úplne nás to dostalo. Bolo veľmi európske no napriek tomu sme našli typické vyzdobené domčeky a krásne uličky. Žiaľ, my sme veľa času na prechádzky po tomto úžasnom meste nemali a museli sme sa vybrať ďalej na cestu smerom do Devy. Autom to bola dosť náročná cesta plná serpentín a ale bezpečne sme prišli na naše ubytovanie. Penzión viedol starší pán a aj keď nevedel po anglicky jeho snaha a pohostinnosť to úplne vynahradili.
The next day we got up early in the morning and went to a nearby place for which we came here. Hunedoara, about 20 km away, boasts by the breathtaking Corvinus Castle. Although you may say that you have seen many castles, why you should go so far, I will only say that this castle was one of the most beautiful I have ever seen and even more beautiful and magnificent than the pictures.

Na druhý deň sme vstali skoro ráno a vybrali sme sa na neďaleké miesto, kvôli ktorému sme sem prišli. Asi 20 km vzdialená Hunedoara sa pýši úchvatným hradom Corvinus. Aj keď si možno povieš, že už si videl veľa hradov, prečo by si mal chodiť tak ďaleko, poviem len že tento hrad bol jeden z najkrajších aké som kedy videla a ešte krajší a veľkolepejší ako na fotkách.

As we were on our way to Brasov, we spent about an hour there. Along the way we stopped in Sibiu, where we also found Christmas markets. The markets were in a large square near the city office. We walked around the old town and enjoyed coffee overlooking the houses that have eyes. Sibiu was wonderful but we had another way ahead, so we went back on our way.

Keďže nás čakala cesta do Brašova tak sme tam strávili približne hodinku. Po ceste sme sa zastavili v meste Sibiu, kde sme natrafili aj na vianočné trhy. Trhy boli na veľkom námestí pri mestskom úrade.
Prešli sme sa po starom meste a vychutnali si kávu s výhľadom na domy, ktoré majú oči. Sibiu bolo nádherné no čakala nás ešte ďalšia cesta, tak sme sa vybrali ďalej.

Along the way, we went to look at the Castelul de Lut houses, which reminded us of the village of Smurfs, but a lot of people who had a similar idea which was messed up. It is definitely a beautiful place, but I recommend not to come here during the weekend, I believe it is better here during the week.

Po ceste sme zašli pozrieť aj na Castelul de Lut domčeky, čo nám pripomínali dedinku šmolkov ale množstvo ľudí, ktoré malo podobný nápad nám to dosť kazilo. Určite je to krásne miesto, ale odporúčam nechodiť sem počas víkendu, verím že cez týždeň je to tu lepšie.

From there we went directly to Brasov. We were completely tired so we just went out to dinner in a beautiful restaurant near our accommodation.

The next day we had the same busy schedule as the previous one. Because we wanted to see as much as possible in little time. For the first stop, we chose Peles Castle, which was beautiful but on Monday they are closed so we did not get in. But it was completely different from other castles that we saw. Because of that it was more interesting and surrounded by a beautiful environment. Just above the castle was a similar building built in the same style.

Odtiaľ sme sa vybrali už priamo do Brašova. Došli sme úplne zničení a tak sme si už len vyšli na večeru do krásnej reštaurácie neďaleko ubytovania.

Ďalší deň sme mali rovnako nabitý program ako predchádzajúci. Keďže sme chceli vidieť čo najviac ale času sme mali strašne málo. Prvú zastávku sme vybrali hrad Peles, ktorý bol prekrásny ale v pondelky majú zatvorené tak sme sa dnu nedostali. No bol úplné iný ako ostatné hrady a o to viac zaujímavý a nachádzal sa v prekrásnom prostredí. Tesne nad hradom sa pýšil ešte podobný objekt postavený v rovnakom štýle.

But near Brasov, you will find a more famous castle for tourists. Bran Castle is known worldwide as Dracula's Castle. And that was one of the next stops. Bran is much closer to Brasov than the previous Peles and very popular. The castle admission is 40 LEI (about € 8.50) and leads to them the way up to hill. The castle is not well marked from where the tour begins, so we got a little fooled at the beginning. But as soon as we found the main entrance, it was better. There is not much historical equipment inside, and despite its popularity, it has not interested us so much. However, we do not regret this visit and we recommend stopping here.

No pri Brašove nájdeš aj turisticky známejší hrad. Hrad Bran je známy po celom svete ako Draculov hrad. A to bola jedna z ďalších zastávok. Bran je o dosť bližšie k Brašovu ako predchádzajúci Peles a tým, že je taký známy je veľmi navštevovaný. Na hrad je vstupné 40 LEI (cca 8,50 €)a vedie k nemu cesta do kopca. Na hrade nie je veľmi dobre vyznačené odkiaľ sa začína prehliadka a tak sme na začiatku trochu poblúdili. No hneď ako sme našli hlavný vchod to už bolo lepšie. Vo vnútri nie je veľmi honosne zariadení a aj napriek jeho obľúbenosti nás až tak veľmi neohúril. No určite neľutujeme túto návštevu a odporúčame sa tu zastaviť.

After returning to Brasov, we took the time to walk around the city and enjoy the atmosphere of the old town. We bought our last souvenirs and we went to dinner at the beautiful café Dr. Jekkylus.
which is furnished in the style of a pharmacy. However, we don't have time to take a cable car trip to a Hollywood sign. So its better to stay here one or two days more.

We spent our last day on our way home all over Romania and enjoyed the beauty of the country and the villages where time stopped. After this trip, I would recommend Romania to anyone who likes history, beautiful nature and a bonus is a sea. I haven't gotten to that yet, but I'm sure I'll go back here soon.

Po návrate do Brašova sme si vyhradili čas na prechádzku po meste a vychutnali atmosféru starého mesta. Nakúpili posledné suveníry a vybrali sme sa na večeru do nádhernej kaviarne Dr. Jekkylus,
ktorá je zariadená v štýle lekárne. Skonštatovali sme však, že na toto úžasne mesto je potrebné viac času a tiež sme nestihli výlet lanovkou na kopec s hollywoodskym nápisom.

Náš posledný deň sme už strávili cestou domov cez celé Rumunsko a užívali si ešte krásu krajiny a dedinky v ktorých akoby sa zastavil čas. Časom sme si aj zvykli na ich štýl šoférovania a po prektoreceni hraníc v Maďarsku sme trochu mali problém sa zas preladiť naspat. Po tomto výlete by som Rumunsko odporučila každému, kto má rad históriu, krásnu prírodu a bonusom je aj more. K tomu som sa ja ešte nedostala, ale určite sa sem čoskoro znova vyberiem.

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