Omiš, Croatia

V Chorvátsku som strávila už niekoľko dovoleniek, no tentokrát som hľadala stredisko s piesočnatou plážou. Može sa to zdať na prvý pohľad ako niečo nemožné, pretože tu väčšinou nájdete iba kamienkové pláže. Nakoniec som našla pár no konečná voľba padla práve na Omiš - Duce. Omiš tiež známy ako mesto, ktoré bolo sídlo pirátov, je teraz jednou z ojedinelých destinácií na Jadrane. Práve cez vysoké pohoria tu ústi rieka Cetina do mora, čo vytvára úžasny kaňón.

In Croatia, I spent several holidays, but this time I was looking for a resort with sandy beaches. It may seem at first sight as something impossible, because you usually can find only pebble beaches. I finally found a couple but the final choice fell on Omis - Duce. Omis also known as the city that was the seat of pirates, it is now one of the incredible destinations on the Adriatic. It is through high mountains here Cetina river estuary to the sea, which creates an amazing canyon.

O tom ako sa dostať do Chorvátska som už písala ale práve sem som cestovala vlakom do Splitu a odtiaľ miestnym autobusom. Cesta zo Splitu trvá asi 40 minút a stojí cca 3,5 €. Ubytovanie som mala v peknom penzióne, ktorý bol asi 20 m od  pláže, čo mi úplne vyhovovalo.

About how to get to Croatia, I already wrote just here but these times I traveled by train to Split, and  from there by local bus there. Journey from Split takes about 40 minutes and costs about € 3.5. I had accommodation in a nice pension, which was about 20 meters from the beach, which was great 
for me. 

Pláž bola naozaj piesočnatá s občas jemným štrkom. More bolo krásne plytké asi 200m som mala vodu po pás. Voda síce bola trošku studenšia na môj vkus, ale to sa dá od Jadranu čakať, no ideálna na šnorchlovanie. Úplne čistá a ďalej od pláže nájdete aj nejakých tých morských ježkov či hviezdice. Na pláži tiež boli vodné športy a aj možnosť požičania loďky. Tiež tu bolo dostatok reštaurácií či barov v ktorých som pravidelne kupovala zmrzlinu.

Beach was really sandy with occasional pebble. See was lovely shallow about 200m I had water up to my waist. Although the water was a bit colder for me, but it can expect from the Adriatic Sea, but ideal for snorkeling. Completely clean and away from the beach you will also find some of those sea urchins and starfish. On beach are also water sports and the possibility of renting boats. Also, there were plenty of restaurants and bars in which I regularly bought ice cream.

Večer tu je pomerne ticho a tak som zašla do neďalekého centra Omišu, kde sa ľahko dostanete chodníkom popri ceste. Historické centrum Omiša má svojú neopakovateľnú atmosféru. Je tak trochu romantické čo dotvárajú úzke uličky či pevnosť Mirabela, ktorá sa pýši nad mestom. Večer to tu žije nočným životom. A práve aj večer, keď sa stmieva sa oplatí výjsť hore na Mirabelu (stojí cca 2€), ten výhľad na celý Omiš a neďaleké ostrovy stojí zato.

In the evening there is little quiet so I went to the nearby town of Omis where you can easily reach by walk along the road. The historical center of Omis has a unique atmosphere. It is a bit of romantic which complement the narrow streets and fortress Mirabela, which was up to the city. In the evening it's here a great nightlife. And it is in the evening when it's getting dark it worths to come up to Mirabella (costs about € 2), the view of the whole Omis and nearby islands is breathtaking.

A keďže vždy chcem vidieť viac než len miesto kde som každý deň, robím si výlety po okolí. Z Omišu sú to neďaleké mestá, Split na jednu stranu a Makarska na druhú. Split so svojím Diokleciánovým palácom je určite najkrajšie mesto nablízku. Naopak Makarska je typické letovisko ale tiež má svoj šarm. No ak chcete ísť ešte ďalej určite navštívte aj Trogir, pekné historické mesto nachadzajúce sa na polostrove.

And as always I want to see more than just a place where I am every day, I try go for a trip to near places. From Omis to the nearby town of Split on one side and Makarska on the other. Split with its Diocletian's Palace is certainly the most beautiful city around. On the contrary, Makarska is a typical resort but it also has its charm. But if you want to go further you need to visit Trogir, a nice historical town situated on a peninsula.

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