Milano, Italy

Na kratší výlet do Milána sme sa vybrali spontánne a aj preto, že obidve milujeme módu. Vybrali sme sa sem na 4 dni a myslím, že to bolo tak akurát. Naša cesta však začala na Bratislavskom letisku. Tu všetko vyzeralo na prvý pohľad fajn, ale keď sme sa dozvedeli že nám posunuli let tak sme neboli veľmi nadšené no ešte sa to dalo zvládnuť. Po pristáti v Bergame sme hneď išli na autobus do Milána a keďže sme prišli o deviatej večer, chceli sme byť čo najskôr na hoteli. Bohužial sme ešte nevedeli ako to v Taliansku chodí a ani to, že tu majú vždy na všetko čas. Tak po hodine čakania v autobuse, kým sa úplne naplní sme sa konečne pohli. Na Termini stanicu sme prišli o pol 12 a tak sme sa modlili nech ešte ide metro. Mali sme štastie a naozaj išlo. Po týchto udalostiach som zahlásila, nech sa radšej vrátime domov no neskôr som bola rada, že sme tak neurobili.

A shorter trip to Milan we went spontaneously and also because both of us love fashion. We went here for four days and I think it was just right lenght for our trip. Our journey started at Bratislava airport. Here, everything seemed fine at first look but when we known that our flight was moved, so we were not very enthusiastic but still it could handle. After landing at Bergamo we immediately went on the bus to Milan and since we arrived at nine in the evening we wanted to be as soon as possible at the hotel. Unfortunately, we still did not know how it goes in Italy, nor do they always have time. After an hour waiting on the bus until it has completely filled we finally moved. To Termini station we arrived at half past 12 and we pray that  underground is still going . We were lucky and really went early. After these events, I announced, I prefer to return home but then I was glad we did not do so.

Hneď ako sme sa ubytovali, už bolo všetko v poriadku a čo sa týka hotela, bol naozaj úžasny. Ubytovanie sme si vybrali v B&B Sesto Marelli, ktoré bolo asi 5 minút od metra a cesta do centra trvala asi 15 minút. My sme si kúpili hneď 3- dňové lístky na metro a tie stáli 12,80€ čo nie je zlé na tak veľké mesto.

As soon as we stayed everything was in order and in terms of the hotel it was really amazing. Accommodation we chose the B & B Sesto Marelli, which was about five minutes from the metro and the way to the city takes about 15 minutes. We immediately bought a 3-day tickets for the metro and they cost € 12.80 which is not bad for such a big city.

My nezvykneme plánovať čo chceme vidieť a tak objavujeme mesto a zistujeme čo kde je. Samozrejme vidieť Duomo je niečo, bez čoho odtiaľ nemôžte odísť a tak sme sa sem vydali ako k prvému miestu. Je to naozaj veľkolepá katedrála a ak sa chcete pozrieť aj dnu, určite choďte poobede kedy zvykne byť menej ľudí a nezabudnite si vziať niečo na zakrytie ramien a aj kolien. Vstupné vás vyjde len na 2€. Hneď vedľa Duoma je Galéria Vittorio Emanuala v ktorej nájdete rôzne známe značky ako je Louis Vuitton či Prada. Je to tam nádherné a je tu aj plno reštaurácií v ktorých si môžte dať obed.

We tend not to plan what wewant to see and then explore the city and find out where things are. Of course see the Duomo, it is something without you can not go back home so we went here as the first. It is really a spectacular cathedral and if you want to go inside and it´s better go there at afternoon when it´s not many people here and do not forget to take something to cover shoulders and the knees. Admission will cost only € 2. Right next to the Duomo it is the Gallery Vittorio Emanuala where you can find a variety of well-known brands such as Louis Vuitton and Prada. It's wonderful there and there is also plenty of restaurants where you can have some lunch.

Cestou ďalej sme sa ocitli pri opere La Scala, ktorá nás z vonku až tak neohúrila keďže sme okolo nej prešli a ani si ju nevšimli.  Za zmienku určtite stoji námestie pri Bazilike San Lorenzo Maggiore, kde sa oplatí zájsť na obed do jednej z reštík. Robia tu naozaj skvelé boloňské cestoviny. A od tohto námestíčka to už nieje ďaleko k Milánskym "Benátkam" na ktorých je vždy veľa ľudí ale toto miesto má úžasnú atmosféru.

Going further we found ourselves at La Scala, which we saw at outside but it not impressed us so much as we went around it and did not notice it. It´s worth mentioning too, square at the Basilica of San Lorenzo Maggiore, where it worths to go for lunch in one of the restaurants. They do really great pasta bolognese. And from this little square that is no longer the way to Milan "Venice" on which is always a lot of people but this place has an amazing atmosphere.

Ďalšie z miest, ktoré musíte vidieť je hrad Castello Sforzesco. Tento hrad sa mi páčil úplne najviac zo všetkých pamiatok. Bol veľmi zaujímavý a taky netypický oproti ostatnej architektúre.

Antother from places that you have to see is Castello Sforzesco. This castle I liked most of all completely monuments. It was very interesting and also atypical compared to other architectures.

Je ešte veľa krásnych miest v Miláne, no najlepšie je ísť na pešo a tak objavíte aj to čo ste nechceli a možno vás práve to chýtí viac za srdce ako tie známe miesta, ktoré zvyknú byť plné turistov.

There are still many beautiful places in Milan but it is best to go for a walk and then you will discover what you don´t want and you just can not catch more at heart than the familiar places that tend to be full of tourists.

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